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Why Performance-Based?

No one gets paid for knowing things; they get paid for using what they know.


This begs the question of why one would use purely theoretical training to teach someone how to do a job? Or use only knowledge-based tests for assessing or certifying anyone?  The answers, historically, have been that: a) performance tests are too hard or expensive to score, and b) many national labor laws (for example, the EEOC in the United States) say that these tests are valid enough.  


But wait, is this good enough for you – or your Customers?  Wouldn't you rather assess how well a person will be able to do their job after going to the expense of training them?  Or, if you're certifying that they can hold a job role, wouldn't you prefer to have a certification program that could demonstrate some predictive validity? 


If you would like to find out more, you can take a quick look at the services we provide, or contact us for a chat

Galileo Systems

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